Chestnut Class

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Chestnut Class - Spring 2 Overview

“I wonder what is happening now that it is spring?”

Core Texts and Rhymes Ideas for Home Learning

Can your child help you to cut up the fruits from the story and make a fruit salad or fruit kebab?

Go outdoors and look for bugs, lift up stones, move pots etc. to see where they are hiding.

Watch chestnut staff video retelling the Hungry Caterpillar story on Tapestry

Count out fruits in your fruit bowl, are there any from the story?

Squirt paint onto folded paper, unfold and press two sides together to make a symmetrical print.

Reinforce days of the week, today is ……, we go to school, or stay at home.

Link to story narrated with Makaton signing-

Look for spring flowers beginning to grow in gardens and the park

Plant a seed or even carrot tops in water to see how they grow. Encourage your child to water when necessary. (We will do some planting in school too)

If you have a garden let your child do some digging, weeding and watering.

Can you find any slugs or snails in your garden, on your way to school or at the park?

Link to story being narrated-

Taste some more exotic fruits, smell, feel, lick them.

Can you carry a basket on your head like Handa, put some soft toys in it!

Look at the animals that are in the book, can you name them.

Use the language ‘full’, ‘empty’

Link to story being narrated-


Can your child start to show awareness of the number 4 in the indoor/outdoor environment e.g. house numbers, car registrations, in shops and on buses.

Go on a square or rectangle hunt, outside such as doors and windows, signs or inside such as side of blocks, dominoes, remote etc.

Notice patterns and start to arrange things by pattern

When singing rhymes, present numbers on fingers, showing fingers decreasing and re- counting when we take one away or add one.

Sleeping Bunnies
I’m a Little Teapot

The Grand Old Duke of York

Sing/ recite rhymes at home: March around the lounge whilst you sing, pointing up and down.

Play with a plastic or metal teapot, pouring into smaller cups or containers, great for bath play too!

Watch Ganneys Meadow Staff recordings of rhymes on Tapestry

Useful Links:

Pre Phonics and Phonics 

Sound Discrimination and Listening


Chestnut Class - Spring 1 Overview

“I wonder what we can learn from traditional stories”

Core Texts and Rhymes Ideas for Home Learning

Bake Bread and help with the mixing and kneading.

Go on a shopping trip and ask them to make a choice from some different types of bread, such as rolls or baguette.

Can they help you spread their bread with a sandwich topping.

Go on a hunt for things that are red or sort objects that are red and another colour.

Link to story being narrated with Makaton signing:

Cook porridge together, to taste or use for sensory play.

Look out for the number 3 when out and about, pointing out the number or three objects the same.

Talk about size eg big chair, middle size chair, little chair.

Go on a hunt for small or big things, such as a big teddy and a small teddy, a big bowl and a small bowl.

Link to story being narrated with Makaton signing:

Enjoy repeating phrases from the story eg Trip Trap, Trip Trapas you go for a walk, banging feet, making loud sounds.

Visit Tam O’Shanters farm to see some real Billy Goats, can you find different sized goats?

Count 3 objects eg chocolate buttons, 3 cars, 3 animals.

Link to story being narrated with Makaton signing:

Talk about how the snow / ice melts

Enjoy ice lollies and link this to melting

Make your own play snow using 1 cup of cornflour: 1 cup of hair conditioner.

Make ice / ice lollies in the freezer, showing the children the water before you put it in.

Make snow men in real snow or improvise with play dough, recipe shared on Tapestry. Use twigs, buttons etc.

Talk about what we wear when it is cold, naming different objects such as hat, scarf, gloves.

When singing rhymes, present numbers on fingers, showing fingers decreasing and re-counting when we take one away or add one.

Sing / recite rhymes at home

Watch Ganneys Meadow Staff Recordings of rhymes on Tapestry app.

Rhymes Jack and Jill Went Up the Hill Three Blind Mice Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer

Useless Links

Pre Phonics and Phonics

Sound Discrimination and Listening

Link to apps that support learning:


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